K_Réciprocité, principe de structuration de l’intrigue


N’est pas une loi argumentative, mais un principe qui s’applique aussi à la structuration du texte littéraire.

Même cas que contraires topos


P’ou Song–ling. Contes extraordinaires du pavillon du loisir. Trad. du chinois sous la dir. de Y. Hervouet. Introd. de Yves Hervouet. Paris, Gallimard. 1969.

 “Ta-nan”.  P.  35-42.

Structure du récit

A et B sont dans la relation épouse / concubine

A traite mal B.

renversement de situation: la concubine devient l’épouse et l’épouse la concubine.

Songling Pu Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio

XLI “Ta-nan in search of his father”

Translated and annotated by Herbert A. Giles. 3rd edition, revised. Kelly & Walsh Limited. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore and Yokohama. 1916. P. 183-188.


  1. [Hsi] had a wife, Shên, and a concubine, Ho.

”[Shên] bullied the concubine dreadfully, and by her constant wrangling made his life perfectly unbearable, so that one day in a fit of anger he ran away and left her. Shortly afterwards Ho gave birth to a son and called him Ta-nan; but as Hsi did not return, the wife Shên turned them out of the house”

2 “By degrees, Ta-nan became a big boy”

3 “Ta-nan goes in search of his father”

4 “Shên tries to persuade Ho to find another husband”