Structures of Argumentation

The expression argumentative structure is used in three different ways:

— The theoretical structure of an argumentation corresponds to its internal organization, that is to say to the specific form of the “argument(s) – conclusion” relation in a given text or interaction, S. Layout; Convergent, Linked, Serial.

— The empirical structure of an argumentative question materializes in an argument map, which features the second- or third-level sub questions derived from the main issue, as expressed by the root question, S. Script.

— The structure of an argumentative text corresponds to what classical rhetoric calls its disposition, the step-by-step organization of co-oriented and anti-oriented information and argumentations, S. Rhetoric. The structure of an argumentative institutionalized interaction fundamentally consists in the institutional arrangement of successive sequences dealing with the questions and sub-questions. Ordinary interactions include repetitions with variations of what was previously discussed. Argumentative texts and interactions routinely include non-argumentative sub-sequences.

These different structures can be depicted by diagrams, S. Scheme.