JouEs! : Jouer ensemble – pratiques interactionnelles de jeu
- Carole Etienne
Ingénieure de Recherche, CNRS (Research Engineer) - Margot Lambert
Assistante de recherche, ICAR (Research assistant) - Laurène Smykowski
Assistante de recherche, ICAR (Research assistant) - Samira Ibnelkaïd
Chercheuse associée, ICAR (Research associate)
Funded by : LabEx ASLAN, 2018-2019, 16 130 €
Within this project, we analyse interactional practices of playing and compare different types of games with regard to their interactional organisation (especially concerning participation framework and the positioning of the participants in game and interaction) as well as to their sequence structure (organisation of the space, role and use of objects, etc.). The study follows an emic approach to complexity : we are interested in the combination of multiple elements on different levels.
Research questions ?
• How are playfulness and spatiality organized and built in interaction ?
• What is the role of affordances of the game in the organization of the interaction ?
• How games and gaming interaction influence the learning process ?
Absract: We gathered a corpus of various board and video games. Gaming sessions were recorded inside differents private context : within a family or a group of friends.
Context : The participants were mostly recorded inside their personal environment. They may be in situation when they play on one of multiples screens, or either toward a game board or a card game.
Recording method : Cameras and microphones were placed in the gaming space, covering the entirety of the scene, including the players, the game table or the television and console.
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
Catane | Board | 00:47:33 | 3 |
Jeu d’échecs | Board | 00:38:55 | 2 |
Jeu de cartes1 | Board | 00:36:41 | 2 |
Mistigri | Board | 00:12:35 | 5 |
Dooble | Board | 00:06:50 | 5 |
Mystères de Pekin | Board | 00:27:47 | 5 |
Jeu de cartes2 | Board | 00:30:04 | 3 |
Jeu de cartes3 | Board | 00:36:32 | 5 |
Dixit | Board | 02:25:34 | 4 |
Concept | Board | 00:52:11 | 4 |
Playstation_CallOfDuty | Video | 01:20:00 | 5 |
Playstation_DragonBall | Video | 01:10:00 | 5 |
Playstation_Tekken | Video | 00:40:00 | 5 |
Playstation_Burnout | Video | 01:20:00 | 5 |
Kinect_Dance | Video | 00:21:43 | 4 |
Kinect_AventureGame | Video | 00:14:12 | 4 |
Wii_TombRaider | Video | 01:31:00 | 2 |
Wii_Mario | Video | 01:21:22 | 4 |
LAN_UnrealTournment | Video | 03:00:00 | 8 |
LAN_CounterStrike | Video | 01:12:00 | 8 |
LAN_Starcraft | Video | 00:56:00 | 8 |
See publications. New data available on multiples platforms (CLAPI, ORTOLANG).
Interjeux : Pratiques interactionnelles et processus d’apprentissage situés dans les jeux entre parents et enfants
The INTERJEUX project gathers multiples researchers of the ICAR lab, each one bringing a specific knowledge and questionning about differents aspects of gaming interaction : children-parent interaction, learning, socialization, cooperation.
- Karine Becu-Robinault
Maitresse de conférences HDR en didactique de la physique, ENS de Lyon (Associate Professor in Didactics of Physics) - Anna Ghimenton
Maitresse de conférences en sciences du langage, Université Lyon 2 (Associate Professor in Linguistics) - Justine Lascar
Ingénieure d’études en production et analyse de données, CNRS (Research Engineer in production and analysis of audiovisuel data) - Bertrand Marne
Maitre de conférences en information-communication, Université Lyon 2 (Associate Professor in Communication) - Vassiliki Markaki-Lothe
Maitresse de conférences en sciences du langage et éducation, Université Grenoble-Alpes (Associate Professor in Linguistics and Education)
Funded by : Fond Recherche ENS, 2020-2022, 10 000 €
The INTERJEUX project aims to describe interactive learning processes in a playful and informal situation. Its main point lies in natural interactions in gaming situations (board games or video games) between parents and children which will be analyzed from an interactional, didactical, acquisitional and game engineering perspectives.
Research questions ?
- How do the participants construct their role as players / parents / children at different times in the game ?
- How does the game, in particular through its temporality and its structures, influence the distribution of roles assumed by the participants in the transmission of knowledge ?
- Which multimodal resources do the participants use to co-construct knowledge and what is the nature of the knowledge developed during the games ?
- What individual and group skills do children develop with games ?
Abstract: We gathered a corpus of two specifics games : TimeLine and Cortex. The corpus consists of 4 families playing each one in 3 gaming sessions within several days. Ah the end of the sessions, the video-recording was completed by a survey.
Context : The families were recorded inside their personal environment, mostly the household. No researcher was present during the recording.
Recording method : Two cameras and microphones were placed in the gaming space, covering the entirety of the scene, including the game table and the players. The participants were autonomous in the management of the material.
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
Corpus test | Board | 00:33:41 | 5 (2 ad., 3 enf.) |
F2F | Board | 02:27:38 | 4 (2 ad., 2 enf.) |
F2G | Board | 01:53:00 | 4 (2 ad., 2 enf.) |
FGF | Board | 01:53:57 | 4 (2 ad., 2 enf.) |
F3E | Board | 02:40:25 | 5 (2 ad., 3 enf.) |
The data acquired are currently transcribed, analyzed and discussed among the project’s members.
- Heike Baldauf-Quilliatre
Professeur des Universités, Université Lyon 2 - Isabel Colón de Carvajal
Ingénieure d’études en production et analyse de données Maitresse de Conférence, ENS Lyon, & Directrice adjointe du laboratoire ICAR - Carole Etienne
Ingénieur de Recherche, CNRS (Research Engineer)
Contribution :
- Elizaveta Chernyshova
- Lydia Heiden
- Laurène Smykowski
Financement : Datagora (MESRI) 10 250 €
Absract: The aim of the ENJEUX project is to explore ways of visualising video extracts and transcripts of several extracts, with a particular focus on interactions in a game situation. It is based on the work carried out as part of the ASLAN JouEs! project (2018/2019) and the ENS INTER-JEUX research fund project (2020/2021), which explore interaction and learning practices in different game situations.
à construire
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
à construire
Thèses CIFRE
- à construire
Titre : Les stratégies interactionnelles et multimodales développées par les enfants Dys et leur famille dans l’expérience d’un jeu de société de complexité moyenne.
Sous la direction de : Heike Baldauf-quilliatre & Isabel Colón de Carvajal
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
à construire
CIFRE 2020-2023 avec start-up Skilder (aujourd’hui, nouveau nom Sweeeft).
Titre: Identifier les pratiques multimodales d’alignement dans une situation de jeu digitalisé
Sous la direction de : Heike Baldauf-quilliatre & Matthieu Quignard
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
à construire
Boardgames on Twitch.Tv
- à construire
à construire
à construire
Nom anonymisé du corpus | Type de jeu | Durée totale | Participants |
à construire