Linguistic and professional trajectory
I started a BA in Languages (English & Spanish) at the Stendhal University in Grenoble, and spent my second year abroad in Madrid, Spain. After obtaining my Degree, I began my career as a Teaching Assistant, teaching French as a Foreign Language in Northern Ireland (Dungannon Royal School & Belfast Queen’s University). I then developed my professional experience in France working as a university teacher and also engaging in the continuous education training of French as a Foreign Language teachers at the Center of French Studies in Grenoble (CUEF). At the same time, I continued my training as a researcher in Applied Linguistics in the Lidilem Laboratory of the Stendhal University in Grenoble. In 2005, I have been employed as a tenured lecturer and researcher in Educational Sciences at the Lyon 1 University IUFM (Teacher Training Institute) to train the primary school teacher trainees in the didactics of languages. Since 2010, and the reform of the training of teachers, I have taught in the Master’s degree programme for primary school teachers at the Lyon 2 university in the Educational Sciences Institute (ISPEF), giving classes and lecturing on Educational Sciences and Applied Linguistics.
Teaching activities and description of classes taught
IUFM Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres, Lyon 1 University – Since 2010
Master 1 MESFC – Métiers de l’Enseignement Scolaire, de la Formation et de la Culture
Responsable UE6 Expressions Communication, IUFM Lyon 1.
Language & Culture – Compared Education
This module aims to train students to understand the epistemological, didactic and pedagogical challenges of linguistic and cultural knowledge through one’s own language biography. They are brought to produce a sociolinguistic enquiry in order to develop better awareness of plurilingualism.
Master 2 MESFC – Métiers de l’Enseignement Scolaire, de la Formation et de la Culture
International Mobility Training
Course conception : designed the International Training module for the students doing a 4 week-school placement abroad.
Tri national annual seminar
Design and organisation of Plurilingualism and Interculturalism, an annual tri national seminar with a German (Koblenz-Landau University) and a Luxemburgese partner (Luxembourg University). The topic is « Interactions and language acquisition at primary school – analysis of multimodality and mediation tools in teaching and learning ». Since 2008.
ISPEF Institut des Sciences et Pratiques d’Education et de Formation, Lyon 2 University
Since 2010
Master Métiers de l’Enseignement Scolaire, de la Formation et de la Culture
Specialisation in Education & language
Module Oral Interactions in the classroom within monolingual and plurilingual contexts
This module combines educational knowledge and linguistic knowledge to develop the students’ awareness and ability to analyse the role of language interaction in knowledge acquisition including exolingual communication contexts.
Research methodology seminar
On themes linked to languages, oral interactions in the classroom, knowledge acquisition.
BA Educational sciences
Module Oral French in all its diversity
This module aims to investigate the relation between speech and writing, the diversity of French spoken in Francophone contexts and to introduce the students to oral transcription.
Master 2 Innovative Teacher Training in Technology use in language teaching
Module The image in semiotics and didactics
This module aims at giving theoretical knowledge on the image within a semiotic framework, and at giving methodological keys to analyse pedagogical materials from a semiotic as well as a didactic point of view.
Grenoble University – Department of Applied Linguistics. Since 2003.
University Diploma in French as a Foreign Language
Module Language Didactics
This module aims to initiate students to the process of foreign language acquisition, by making them experience a totally new language learning, and having them relate the experience and analyse it from a teaching and learning point of view.