2022 / 2023
Associate Professor
University of Orléans
Department of Language Sciences
- Seminar (TD) Approaches to Multimodality
MA in Language Sciences/Language & Communication and in Political Science – 2nd year, 15 hours. - Seminar (TD) Corpus Linguistics 3
(Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses + Tools and Exploitations)
MA in Language Sciences – 2nd year, 30 hours, 2 groups [with Katja Ploog]. - Seminar (TD) Ethnography of Communication
MA in Language Sciences – 1st year, 46 hours, 2 groups. - Lecture/seminar (CM + TD) Pragmatics and Social Interaction
BA in Language Sciences – 3rd year, 36 hours, 2 groups [with Florence Gardeil].
2020 / 2021
Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant
University of Aix-Marseille
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Workshops on French Grammar, BA Level, 40 hours (2 groups)
Orthography, grammar and register: a classification of writing errors. Punctuation: full stop, question mark, exclamation mark, comma, colon, semicolon, parentheses, inverted commas and capital letters. Syntax: syntactic functions, subordinate propositions, the expression of time, cause and consequence. Professional writing: cover letters and e-mails. - Lecture/Seminar (CM/TD) Phonetics, Phonology, and Orthography
BA Modern Languages and Literatures, 1st year, 90 hours (3 groups). - Lecture/Seminar (CM/TD) Syntax
BA Modern Languages and Literatures, 60 hours (2 groups).
2019 / 2020
University of Basel
Department of French Studies
Seminar Boundaries in Spoken French: unit types and segmentation methods in syntax
BA and MA in Linguistics and Humanities, 28 hours.
Starting from the traditional definitions of syntax units, such as the sentence and the clause, we will address the problematic nature of these units in spoken language (Groupe de Fribourg 2012). The aim of this course is twofold: on the one hand, we will present the main methods of segmentation of spoken French in the fields of syntax and macro-syntax (Lacheret-Dujour et al. 2019), and the approaches on which they rely (Blanche-Benveniste et al. 1990, Blanche-Benveniste 2010); on the other hand, the treatment of recurring problematic cases, in particular syntactic « disfluences » (Crible 2018), will be discussed. We will work on extracts issued from online databases, which collect various corpora of spoken French.
Proposals challenging traditional grammatical categories (e. g. Ford et al. 2013) will also be presented.
I supervised the research papers (Seminararbeiten) proposed by four students in relation to seminar topics.
University of Lorraine
UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales
- Lecture (Cours Magistral/Travaux Dirigés) Interaction Analysis
MA in Linguistics, 1st year, 30 hours.
This course provides an introduction to interactional linguistics. First, we will deal with the machinery of the speaking tours, the preference organization in conversation, repair, topic management. Then, we will focus on the sequential and interactional characterization of certain syntactic configurations; the relevance of multimodal resources for the study of talk-in-interaction will also be discussed. - Lecture (Cours magistral/Travaux Dirigés) Language and Social Interaction
MA in Linguistics, 1st year, 24 hours.
The sociolinguistic approach to interactions mobilizes different analytical tools to study linguistic practices both as sequentially constructed by speakers, i.e. turn by turn, influencing and influenced by contextual elements. We will see that the interactional study of certain discourse markers makes it possible to grasp the contextual use of these forms and to define their functions.
2018 / 2019
University of Basel
Department of French Studies
Lecture (Vorlesung) Syntax, Discourse, and Interaction: constructions in spoken corpora
BA and MA in Linguistics and Humanities, 24 hours.
This lecture will focus on certain syntactic facts and discursive configurations of spoken French in interaction. The exploration of databases of oral corpora (CLAPI, ESLO, OFROM, TCOF, among others) will provide an empirical basis for the illustration of the so-called « unmarked » syntactic constructions, « dispositifs » (Blanche-Benveniste et al., 1990), as well as some specific configurations such as dislocations, object-fronting and cleft constructions. We will discuss the analysis that macrosyntactic approaches (the Aix one, Blanche-Benveniste 2010, and the Swiss one, Fribourg Group 2012) propose for these configurations. We will get an in-depth look at them by considering the studies that some researchers have carried out from an informational (Lambrecht 1994) and an interactional perspective (e.g. Pekarek Doehler et al., 2015).
Lumière University Lyon 2
Institut des Sciences et Pratiques d’Éducation et de Formation
UFR Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
- Lecture (Cours Magistral) French Grammar: Rules and Norms, Uses and Variations
BA Education, 1st year, 29 hours.
From prescriptive grammar to the grammar of uses, a critical perspective. Traditional grammatical categories: nouns, determiners, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, interjections. Syntactic constituents and their functions: definition criteria. Syntagmatic relationships and paradigmatic organisations (lists). - Seminar (Travaux Dirigés) Sociolinguistics
MA Linguistics, 1st year [with V. Piccoli] , 10,5 hours.
Research and fieldwork methods in sociolinguistics: an introduction. Variations and norms, speech communities, an introduction to variationist sociolinguistics (W. Labov). The ethnography of communication: communication competence and the SPEAKING model (D. Hymes). The interactional sociolinguistics: contextualization cues, language activities (J. J. Gumperz). Sociolinguistic identities, identities in interaction. Linguistic discriminations, glottophobia.
2017 / 2018
Lumière University Lyon 2
Institut des Sciences et Pratiques d’Éducation et de Formation
UFR Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
- Lecture (Cours Magistral) French Grammar: Rules and Norms, Uses and Variations
BA Education, 1st year, 94,5 hours (3 groups).
From prescriptive grammar to the grammar of uses, a critical perspective. Traditional grammatical categories: nouns, determiners, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, interjections. Syntactic constituents and their functions: definition criteria. Syntagmatic relationships and paradigmatic organisations (lists). - Seminar (Travaux Dirigés) Sociolinguistics
MA Linguistics, 1st year [with E. Chernyshova and V. Piccoli] , 7 hours.
Variations and norms, speech communities, an introduction to variationist sociolinguistics (W. Labov). The ethnography of communication: communication competence and the SPEAKING model (D. Hymes). The interactional sociolinguistics: contextualization cues, language activities (J. J. Gumperz). Sociolinguistic identities, identities in interaction. Linguistic discriminations, glottophobia.
2015 / 2016
Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant
Aix-Marseille University
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Lecture/Seminar (CM/TD) Phonetics, Phonology, and Orthography
BA Modern Languages and Literatures, 1st year, 98 hours (2 groups).
An introduction to phonetics and to the phonological system of modern French: phonetic transcription (IPA), articulatory description, phonemic analysis, allophones in complementary distribution and in free variation, linguistic variation phenomena. The orthographic system of modern French: simple graphemes, digrams and trigrams, phonographic values, ideography and grammatical orthography. - Lecture/Seminar (CM/TD) An Introduction to French Syntax
BA Modern Languages and Literatures, 2nd year, 98 hours (2 groups).
The notion of verbal constructions, the study of grammatical functions related to the verb, which is considered as a pivotal element: valence and syntactic relations; paradigmatic organisations and lists, zero realisations, double marking (double marquage); cleft and pseudo-cleft constructions.
2014 / 2015
Lumière University Lyon 2
UFR Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
- Seminar (TD) Pragmatics
BA Linguistics, 3rd year, 2 hours.
What is Pragmatics? Pioneers and founders. - Seminar (TD) Spoken Language Corpora and Interaction Analysis
MA Linguistics, 2nd year, one hour.
Agreement, disagreement and epistemic positioning.
2013 / 2014
Lumière University Lyon 2
UFR Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
Seminar (TD) Pragmatics
BA Linguistics, 3rd year [with I. Colón de Carvajal], 14 hours.
Speech act theory (J. L. Austin, J. R. Searle), the interactionist critique of speech act theory, Goffman’s microsociology, the Sinclair & Coulthard’s model of discourse analysis, an eclectic approach to discourse-in-interaction (C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni), conversation analysis (H. Sacks, E. A. Schegloff, G. Jefferson) and interactional sociolinguistics (J. J. Gumperz).
2012 / 2013
Lumière University Lyon 2
UFR Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
- Seminar (TD) Pragmatics
BA Linguistics, 3rd year, 42 hours (2 groups).
Speech act theory (J. L. Austin, J. R. Searle), the interactionist critique of speech act theory, Goffman’s microsociology, the Sinclair & Coulthard’s model of discourse analysis, an eclectic approach to discourse-in-interaction (C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni), conversation analysis (H. Sacks, E. A. Schegloff, G. Jefferson) and interactional sociolinguistics (J. J. Gumperz). - Seminar (TD) Spoken Language Corpora and Interaction Analysis
MA Linguistics, 2nd year, one hour.
Exploring the CLAPI database: Multi-token queries.
2010 / 2011
Italian Language Assistant
Aix-Marseille Education Authority
Language classes and workshops in three high schools in Marseille (Lycée Marseilleveyre, Lycée-Collège Honoré Daumier, Lycée Hôtelier Régional), 252 hours.