Other activities

Professional Activities


Organising / Scientific Committee Member



NéALA 2025 Conference « The Natural and the Artificial in Applied Linguistics : a time of paradoxes », 25-27 June 2025, University of Lorraine, Nancy [Scientific Committee Member]



XX World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics / Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée – AILA 2023, 17-21 July 2023, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon [Scientific Committee member]

Knowledge in talk-in-interaction – KNOWINT 2023, 6-8 November 2023, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland [Scientific Committee member]



V International Conference on Screen-based Multimodal Interactions – IMPEC 2022, Spaces and screens, 6-8 July 2022, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
[Scientific Committee member]



ICODOC 2021 – ICAR Young Researchers’ Conference, Knowledge and Language. Acquisition, transmission, manifestation, 6-8 October 2021, ENS de Lyon [SC]



IV International Conference on Screen-based Multimodal Interactions – IMPEC 2020, Screens and Sensorialities, 1-3 July 2020, ENS de Lyon [SC]


ICODOC 2019 – ICAR Young Researchers’ Conference, Emotion, empathy, affectivity: Subjects and their subjectivity through linguistic and educative practices, 7-9 October 2019, ENS de Lyon [OC & SC]

PRELA Conference 2019 – Professionals and Research in Applied Linguistics: methodological challenges, social implications and perspectives for action, 24-26 June 2019, ENS de Lyon [OC & SC]

Conference of the French Semiotics Association 2019, (Dés)accords : à la recherche de la différence propice, 11-14 June 2019, ENS de Lyon [OC]

InterEx Doctoral Workshops, 6-7 May 2019, ENS de Lyon



Inter-ICAR Doctoral Symposium, 12 April 2018, ENS de Lyon



ICODOC 2017 – ICAR Young Researchers’ Conference, Objects, supports and instruments: Multiple perspectives on the diversity of resources mobilised in interaction, 15-16 June 2017, ENS de Lyon [OC & SC]



Inter-ICAR Doctoral Symposium, 12 April 2016, ENS de Lyon



MAINLY Automn School (MultimodAl INteractions LYon), 21-26 September 2015, Fourvière – Lyon [Plenary Speaker, OC]

ICODOC 2015 – ICAR Young Researchers’ Conference, Complex corpora and methodological issues: From data collection to data analysis, 19-20 May 2015, ENS de Lyon [OC]



Inter-ICAR Doctoral Symposium, 4 April 2014, ENS de Lyon

International Workshop Eating and Cooking in Interaction, 24 January 24 2014, IFÉ / ENS de Lyon [Co-organiser and Chair]



ICAR-ASLAN / Hermann Paul School of Linguistics SEQ_i Summer School: Sequence – from adjacency pair to interactional activities, 18-22 June 2012, ENS de Lyon [OC].



Member of the Committee of the ICAR PhD students, 2013-2019.

Co-founder and co-organiser of the DocINT workshops, data sessions between PhD students and CA researchers at the ICAR Lab, 2013-2018.

Participation in the MATE-SHS meetings (Méthodes Analyses Terrains Enquêtes en Sciences Humaines et Sociales), Lyon/Saint-Etienne group, since 2018.


External member of selection committees for recruitment in French universities : Maître de conférences (Associate Professor) competition at the Université Paris Nanterre, job profile « Didactique du FLE-S et nouvelles technologies » (2024); Maître de conférences (Associate Professor) competition at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, job profile « Syntaxe du français oral » (2024).



PhD Examination


Examiner of a PhD thesis in Human Sciences (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy), May 2023.

Rapporteur and jury member of a PhD in Linguistics (Universitat de València, Spain), October 2023.

Examiner and jury member of a PhD thesis in Language Sciences (Université d’Orléans), December 2023.





Supervision of 4 final-year dissertations in French Linguistics (Universität Basel, Switzerland), 2019/2020.

Supervision of 4 Master 2 theses and 6 Master 1 theses in Language Sciences (Université d’Orléans), 2022/2023.


International Research Network


Scientific Collaborator, Multimodal Pragmatics Lab, led by Dr. Inés Olza at the University of Navarra (Spain), since 2018.

Member, Do.Ri.F. – Università (Documentation and Research Center for the Teaching of French Language in the Italian University), research group on « Spoken language, Interaction, Dialogue », since 2021.

MemberCentro Interuniversitario AIM (Inter-university Center for Interaction Analysis and Mediation), since 2021.


Reviewer for



Promoting Scientific Research, Valorisation


September 2017 – European Researchers’ Night: participation in the scientific-datings and game activities, 29 September 2017, Rize – Centre Mémoires et Société, Villeurbanne.

September 2014 – European Researchers’ Night: participation in the scientific-datings and game session on PictionarWii, 26 September 2014, Planétarium, Vaulx-en-Velin.

June 2013 – Caravane de SOS Racisme: activity leader for the Italian language courses and the presentation of ‘Jeu Intergalactique’, 22 June 2013, place Bahadourian, Lyon.

June 2013 – ‘Jeu Intergalactique’ game session in a primary school in Vénissieux, in collaboration with the Association Française des Petits Débrouillards.


Summer Schools and Training Workshops


August / September 2023 – ECODIC 2023 Summer School – COrpus et DIdaCtique, organised by Carole Etienne (CNRS, ICAR Lab), Virginie André, Maud Ciekanski (University of Lorraine), 28 August – 01 September 2023, ENS de Lyon – Descartes Campus, Lyon.

August / September 2021 – ECODIC Summer School – COrpus et DIdaCtique, organised by Virginie André, Maud Ciekanski (University of Lorraine) and Carole Etienne (CNRS, ICAR Lab), 30 August – 03 September 2021, University Campus LSH, Nancy.

April / June 2016 – Lectures on Phonetics and Prosody in Interaction, organised by Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (University of Helsinki), Richard Ogden (York University) and Rasmus Persson (Lund University), ENS de Lyon, Lyon.

September 2015 –  MAINLY Autumn School  (MultimodAl INteractions LYon), organised by Paul Drew (Loughborough University) and Véronique Traverso (CNRS), 21-26 September 2015, Centre Jean Bosco, Fourvière – Lyon.

April 2014 – Training Workshop on Analysing Questions and Epistemics, organised by Paul Drew (Loughborough University) and John Heritage (UCLA), 4-6 April 2014, Burleigh Court – University Campus, Loughborough, United Kingdom.

March 2013 – Conversation Analysis Workshop, led by Paul Drew and Alexa Hepburn (Loughborough University), 19-22 March 2013, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Alma Mater – University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

June 2012 – ICAR-ASLAN / Hermann Paul School of Linguistics SEQ_i Summer School: Sequence – from adjacency pair to interactional activities, 18-22 June 2012, ENS de Lyon, Lyon.

August 2011 – Several training workshops on Teaching Italian as a Second / Foreign Language, DITALS Centre, University for Foreigners of Siena, Italie.

June 2010 –  I_PHOM CNRS Summer School – Analysing interaction: from phonetics to multimodality. Poster presentation: Negation in Interaction. Conversational and multimodal analyses on the CLAPI database (in French), 14-18 June 2010, Fourvière – Lyon.


Data Collection, Fieldworks


December 2021 – Remote interactions during game sessions, twelve participants, four days, Lyon.

March 2020 – Interactions and self-directed learning experiences between international incoming students, six participants, a half-day, Nancy.

September 2019 – Interactions between students and the staff of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; account of teaching experiences by a FLE student, twelve participants, a half-day, Nancy.

September 2019 – French as Foreign Language (FLE) classes with Erasmus students, four participants, a half-day, Nancy.

July 2019 – French as a Foreign Language (FLE) classes with international incoming researchers, six participants, two days, Nancy.

May 2019 – Interview of a PhD student, two participants, one day, Nancy.

May 2019 – French as a Foreign Language (FLE) classes with international incoming students and migrants, thirty participants, two days, Nancy and Metz.

December 2018 – Guided visit and sculpture workshop, eleven participants, one day, Venice (Italy).

March 2017 – Medical consultations, eight participants, one day, Chambéry (France).

October 2016 – Medical and psychological consultations, twelve participants, two days, Chambéry (France).

January 2015 – Playing cards, five participants, Apulia (Italy).

January 2015 – Cooking together, four participants, Apulia (Italy).

June 2014 – Guided visits, several participants, two days, Paris (France).

December 2013 – Multilingual interactions in Romance languages, five participants, Lyon (France).

November 2013 – Refereeing training session, ten participants, two days, Lyon (France).

November 2013 – Interactions in a greengrocer’s shop, several participants, two days, Lyon (France).