Documents et supports
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Enregistrements video
- Mondada - Observer les activités de la classe...
- Mondada - Video Recording...
-Elan (tutoriel)
- Bucholtz, Mary (2000). The politics of transcription.
- Jefferson, Gail (1983). "Issues in the transcription of Naturally-Occuring Talk : Caricature versus capturing Pronunciational Particulars"
- Jefferson, Gail (1996). A case of transcriptional stereotyping.
- Jefferson, Gail (2004). Gossary of transcript symbols with an introduction.
- Local, John (2007). Phonetic detail and the organization of talk-in-interaction
- Traverso Véronique (2003). Transcription et traduction des interactions en langue étrangère.
- Mondada Lorenza - Pratiques de transcription et effets de catégorisation
- Mondada Lorenza - La transcription dans la perspective de la linguistique interactionnelle
- Mondada Lorenza - Transcriptions multimodales
Documents pour les exercices sur la construction du tour et les séquences non préférentielles
- Vidéo (fichier Quicktime)
- Audio (fichier WAV)
- Transcription
Travail individuel - Amélioration de transcription
- Extrait 1 ( vidéo ; son ; transcription )
- Extrait 2 ( vidéo ; son ; transcription )
- Convention ICOR
Organisation des tours de parole
Goodwin - The Interactive Construction of a Sentence in Natural Conversation
Mondada - Multimodal resources for turn-taking: pointing and the emergence of possible next speakers
Schegloff -Turn organization: one intersection of grammar and interaction
Sacks, Schegloff, Jefferson - A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-taking for Conversation
Organisation de la séquence
- Schegloff, Sacks, Jefferson - The Preference for Self-Correction in the Organization
- Schegloff - Sequence organization in interaction
- Pomerantz - Agreeing and disagreeing with assesments...
Organisation des séquences étendues
- Jefferson. On the Sequential Organization of Troubles-Talk in Ordinary Conversation
- Schegloff. On the Organization of Sequences
- Traverso. The dilemmas of third-party complaints in conversation between friends
- Jefferson. Sequential Aspects of Storytelling in Conversation
- Lerner. Assisted Storytelling: Deploying Shared Knowledge as a Practical Matter
- Mandelbaum. How to "Do Things" With Narrative: A communication perspective on Narrative Skill
- Ochs. Narrative Lessons
Mathias Broth
- Bio-Biblio
- The Production Of A Live TV-Interview Through Mediated Interaction
- La production du « plan d’écoute » comme pratique collective catégorisante dans une émission télévisée en direct
Elwys de Stefani
- Bio-Biblio
- De la malléabilité des structures syntaxiques dans l'interaction orale : le cas des constructions clivées
- Topical and sequential backlinking in a french radio phone-in program : turn shapes and sequential placements
Maria Egbert
- Bio-Biblio
- Other-initiated repair and membership categorization—some conversational events that trigger linguistic and regional membership categorization
- The Relationship between the “Self” and the “Other” in Second Language Oral Proficiency Testing Whose test results – the Candidate's or the Examiner's?
- The interactional organisation of the speaking test
Alessandra Fasulo
- Bio-Biblio
- Fasulo, ZuccherMaglio. Narratives in the workplace: Facts, fictions, and canonicity
- Fasulo, Fiore. A valid person: non-competence as a conversational outcome
Anne Sylvie Horlacher
- Bio-Biblio
- La dislocation à droite comme ressource pour l’alternance des tours de parole: vers une syntaxe incrémentale
- Topical and sequential backlinking in a french radio phone-in program : turn shapes and sequential placements
Lorenza Mondada
- Bio-Biblio
- Structuration grammaticale et structuration discursive
- The methodical organization of talking and eating: Assessments in dinner conversations
Véronique Traverso
- Bio-Biblio