« Feridas nas paisaxes»
Section 4. Emotion inferred: situationnal clues
Emotions are linked to the surrounding circumstances
Emotions are not responses to stimuli
automatic reaction to a biological stimuli
The same obective situation can trigger different and opposed emotions:
Antagonistic emotions can be derived from the same material situation:
A: — Let’s rejoice, the tyrant is dead!
B: — Let’s cry the death of the Father of our Country!
Emotions are linked to a representation of the situation, that is, from a linguistic pov, to a description of the situation given by the experiencer.
This description can be summarized in the name given to the situation or to the being source of the emotion.
Such a description can be designated as the source of the emotion.
Now, a situation under a description is analytically tied to the emotion.
I was — when I saw an hideous monster lurking in the dark
In a text emotionally coherent, the situation is described as conditioning the emotion.
Propuesta de lectura de las emociones en textos de formación:
Proyecto “tierra”
destrúen toda forma de vida
feridas nas paisaxes
lagos, cascadas, torrentes
or rios que se filtran por debaixo dos escombros arrastran materiais e tamén esán contaminados. A acumulación de excombros destrúe a vexetación de ribeira.
as escombreiras son grandes montañas de refugallos que ocupan abas, fondons de vales e cauces dos rios de xeito incontrolado. Destrúen toda forma de vida e impiden os cultivos e os asentamentos humanos
Anything that leaks beneath the debris drags materials and is also contaminated. The accumulation of excombros destroys the vegetation of the shore.
The sweepings are large mountains of waste that occupy beaks, valleys and valleys of the river in an uncontrolled manner. Destroying all forms of life and preventing crops and human settlements
Nb : arg + +, +-
- Ejes, principios de construcción de la emoción
Un eje esencial : vida / muerte
- Visión negativa de “as escombreiras”
Destruir (+) => (-)
Impedir (+)
- Ejercicio: construir una visión positiva
Feridas nas paisajes
Conforme a nedesidade enerxética do ser humano foi evolucionando desde o Neolítico á actualidade, o sol e o subsolo do planeta foron sufrindo as pegadas na procura de recursos e da súa explotación. A minaría, as instalacións fabris, a produción de refugallos, etc. deixaron et deixan fondas cicatrices nas paisaxes que persisten ao longo do tempo e o seu impacto abrangue tamén as augas, a atmosfera e a calidade de vida de todos os seres. Algunhas destas feridas seguen a medrar, outras viven procesos de rexeneración e recuperación coa toma de medidas en aras da sustentabiblidade paisaxitica e medioambiental, froito do esforzo e do compromiso social para acadar o ben común.
Wounds in the landscapes
According to the energetic needs of human beings, it has been evolving from the Neolithic to the present day, the ground and the underground of the planet have been suffering [sufrindo] the tracks in the search for resources and their exploitation. Mining, factory facilities, waste production, etc. They left you to leave deep scars in the landscapes that persist over time and their impact also covers the waters, the atmosphere and the quality of life of all beings. Some of these wounds continue to grow, others live regeneration and recovery processes with the taking of measures in the interests of landscape and environmental sustainability, the result of effort and social commitment to achieve the common good.
Lectura :
- base de la inferencia (-)
feridas – sufrindo – cicatrices
- intensidad — « más (-) »
fondas (cicatrices)
persisten …
abranque tambén…
siguen a medrar
- causa (razón), responsabilidad:
a necesidade enerxética do ser humano
- control – acción
(procesos de rexeneración coa) toma de medidas