ATC Plants Kill, Give Life

If Heaven produces drugs which kill man,
it must certainly produce drugs which gives man life …

I told Liu Tzu-chün that cultivating one’s nature does not help (postpone old age). His elder brother’s son Po-yü said “If Heaven produces drugs which kill man, it must certainly produce drugs which gives man life.” I said, “The plant ourouparia rhynchophylla does not agree with man, so eating it causes death. But it is not produced for the purpose of killing man. Similarly, Szechwan beans poison fish, arsenic kills rats, cassis injures otters, and apricot stones kill dogs. But these are not made by Heaven for this purpose.
Fragment 66, p. 80-81.

Huan T’an (-43, +28) Hsin-lun (New Treatise) and other Writings.
An annotated translation with index by Timoteus Pokora. Michigan Paper in Chinese studies, The University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies.


“If Heaven produces drugs which kill man, it must certainly produce drugs which gives man life.”