
The systemic argument is an overall argument, referring to a definition of a whole as a structure in which everything fits together perfectly.
Taken literally, this principle asserts that each element of the system takes its full meaning only in light of its relation to the other elements in the system, and that it must be interpreted and applied accordingly.
This applies to specific laws in collections of laws, as well as to statements and passages in sacred texts and literary masterpieces.

This broad principle covers a set of argumentative techniques appealing to:consistencycompleteness, economy, or (non-)Superfluity

The argument from title postulate that the text is locally coherent.

The application of the a pari, opposite, a fortiori, schemes depends upon the effective realization of these systemic requirements in the considered system.

In the case of law codes, the systematic aspiration is immediately confronted with the de-stabilizing, complex forces of social and historical evolutions.