Ex — Arguments (Ex Concessis…)

EX – ARGUMENTS, ex concesso …

Some argument schemes are denoted by Latin labels, see Ab —; Ad —; Ex —. This entry lists the labels using the Latin preposition ex (rarely e, and never e before a vowel).

E/ex means “taken from”; in the construction « arguments e/ex N » the Latin noun N refers to the substance, from which the argument is taken.

A list of “ex + N” arguments

Latin name of the argument • Meaning of the Latin word(s)Latin
(If necessary a literal translation)
• English equivalent(s)
• Link to the corresponding entry(s)
ex concessis
(sg. ex concesso)
e concessu gentium
Latin concedere, « to admit; to agree with sb” — arg. from the consensus of nations; from traditional wisdom; from what is admitted by the audience or the opponent
— See Consensus; Authority; Ex concessis; Ex datis; Beliefs of the audience; Concession; Ad hominem.
e contrario
[generally a contrario]
Latin contrarius, “contrary; opposite” — See Opposites
ex datis Latin datum, “gift”; arg. from the facts as such; from what is accepted by the audience — See Ex datis
ex notatione Latin notatio, from notare “stamp with a mark” — arg. from “what the word (truly) says”; argument from the meaning of a word.
See True  meaning of the word; Derived words
ex silentio Latin silentium, “silence” — See Silence

Like the ab and ad arguments, the ex arguments do not refer to a unified category of arguments, nor to a common semantic family, nor to a singlae formal type.