Exaggeration and Euphemization


1. Maximization

Exaggeration as amplification

Aristotle defines exaggeration as the use of “indignant language […] painting a highly colored picture of the situation” (Rhet, II, 24, 1401b1-10, RR, p. 383), and notes its spectacular and curious effect in a legal situation:

If the defendant does so, he produces an impression of his innocence; and if the prosecutor goes into a passion, he produces an impression of the defendant’s guilt. (ibid).

Exaggeration to absurdity

Exaggeration to absurdity is a technique of refutation known as adynaton: “the arguer uses both hyperbole and apodioxis to establish a position by the exaggerating the absurdity of the opposing position” (Molinié 1992, Adynaton; for apodioxis, see Dismissal)

This is a variant on refutation from the absurd, taken to the ridiculous:

To avoid accidents, leave your car at home!
To prevent recidivism, let us execute all offenders!

The mechanisms of argumentation are the same as those of the slippery slope argument, an invitation: “don’t stop now, the way is so good”, see Slippery Slope; Laughter.

You want to be vegetarian, no problem, eat salad, go graze on the lawn.

The following passage rejects and ridicules the position that “the criminally insane must be judged as everyone else” by showing that if the intent is not taken into account, the very idea of criminal behavior becomes meaningless:

Let us judge all criminal acts. Regardless of the level of consciousness of their perpetrators. And why not a dog? The news offers a tragic opportunity to further advance justice. […] And why does the hurricane that recently ravaged the West Indies, causing many victims and immense material damage, escape the wrath of justice?
M. Horeau, [Obvious Delirium]. Le Canard Enchaîné, 2007 [1]

2. Minimization, or euphemism

Minimization strategies are used to deflect an accusation, when bad behavior is acknowledged as such, and its material significance is reduced to nothing. For example, if I’m accused of stealing a bicycle,  I might defend my actions by saying: “Oh yeah, but it’s just an old broken worthless bicycle.”

The associated feeling is indifference, and the accuser is encouraged to cool down, see Calm. Everything can be euphemized, even torture:

30-7-84 Christian von Wernich, chaplain [capellán] of the Buenos Aires police, currently priest in Bragado), in a statement to the magazine Siete Días:
If you tell me that Camps has tortured some poor guy that no one knows, well, okay. But how could he have tortured Jacobo Timerman, a journalist on whom there was constant and decisive worldwide pressure, if only for that!

Carlos Santibáñez & Mónica Acosta, [The Two Churches], [1996].[2]

[1] L. M. Horeau, “Flagrants délires”. Le Canard Enchaîné, (a satirical newspaper) August 29, 2007. P. 1
[2] Carlos Santibáñez & Mónica Acosta, Las dos Iglesias. Report commemorating the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Bishop Angelelli. www.desaparecidos.org/nuncamas/web/investig/dosigles/02.htm (11-08-2017).