
1. Question as interrogation

A question may be a sentence “attempting to get the addressee to supply information” (SIL, Question), using the specific morphemes and syntactic transformation attached to the interrogative form.

— The fallacy of many questions or loaded question is one of the six Aristotelian linguistic fallacies, S. Fallacy (I). A loaded question is a question about a complex statement, containing several implicit statements. The loaded question presupposes the truth of these underlying statements, which may be disputed by the recipient of the question. Such questions are said to be oriented, S. Orientation.

— Rhetoric uses a series of common place ontological questions to gather information.

— A rhetorical question, in the traditional sense of the term, re-frames the argumentative question as a question admitting a self-evident answer, S. Argumentative question, §4

2. Question as problem

A question can also be the subject of a discussion, an “issue; broadly: a problem” (MW, Question). It doesn’t necessarily have an interrogative form.

An argumentative question represents the discursive confrontation generating an argumentative situation. Such a question does not refer to a quest for information, but to a problem. S. Argumentative question.