The domain of argumentation studies can be characterized according to an underlying system of key features, questions and orientations.
1. Key questions about the role of language
The following table proposes a possible organization of the field according to the role of language and the type of speech situation that is given theoretical prominence. This hypothesis makes it possible to represent the various concepts of argumentation as a tree structure, in which the nodes correspond to the research questions, or crossroads questions, that articulate the field.
Such a representation illustrates that what might at first glance to be an arbitrary dispersion of options, actually reflects the need to take into account the complex range of argumentative situations.
A vision of argumentation might be characterized as a structured choice among the various options opened up by the following questions.
Other possible starting points will be suggested in §2.
Table : Key features and questions about the role of language in argumentation
as a thought activity (2)
The study of reasoning (2a) |
form of language
(7) |
(5) |
general form of discourse
non polyphonic (11)
logic, as an art of thinking (9a)
argumentation (1) | monologue
(9) |
as a linguistic
cognitive activity (3) |
polyphonic (12) |
« bene dicendi » rhetoric (10a) |
(6) |
without turn-taking (13)
persuasion rhetoric (11a)
dialogue (10) |
dialogue logic (15)
with turn- taking
(14) |
(16) |
as a multimodal activity
(4) |
(1) Argumentation
The study of argumentation as a psycho-cognitive process
(5) Extendedg
(7) as a form of language: “ARGUMENTATION WITHIN LANGUAGE”
(8) as the eneral form of discourse: “NATURAL LOGIC”
(6) Situated
(9) monologue
(10) dialog
without turn-taking: RHETORIC OF PERSUASION
with turn-taking: DIALOGUE LOGIC
(2) vs. (3) vs. (4): The Cognitive, Linguistic and Multimodal Dimensions of Argumentation
Different general questions could be taken as starting points, and each question would produce a different map of the field. This map is arises from the general question: is argumentation fundamentally a linguistic activity or a cognitive activity — or both?
If argumentation were defined as a pure activity of thinking, expressed in a perfectly transparent language, the study of argumentation would correspond to a psychology of thinking without language.
But mathematical thinking and scientific reasoning require language, as does everyday argumentation, . Language-based approaches to argumentation deal with the cognitive component within the linguistic component. Such approaches are compatible with different positions on the question of thinking and reasoning. Classical Logic, Natural Logic, Informal Logic and cognitive approaches stress the articulation of thought and language in the argumentative activity.
Argumentation is unanimously understood as a discursive practice. The consideration of still and moving images raises the question of how argumentative meanings are able to invest non-verbal semiotic supports. The study of argumentation in work situations also requires us to consider the signifying intention that guides both the action and the argument into account. In both cases, it is necessary to rethink what exactly constitutes a well-constructed corpus within the field of argumentation.
(5) vs. (6) — Argumentation as a linguistic-cognitive activity: Extended or situated?
Should argumentation, as a linguistic cognitive process, be considered a local or a general phenomenon? (a special kind of passage / the general form of discourse?)
(7) vs. (8) — Extended argumentation: Saussurian langue or discourse?
Two different theories have extended the concept of argumentation to all linguistic activities, the theory of Argumentation within Language (Anscombre, Ducrot 1983) and the theory of argumentation as a Natural Logic (Grize 1982).
The former generalizes the concept of argumentation at the level of language (of Saussurian langue), while the latter enacts the same generalization at the level of speech (parole).
(7) Argumentation, as a condition for well-formed linguistic chain {E1, E2}:
see Orientation
(8) Argumentation as a schematization of the situation
(9) vs. (10) — Situated argumentation: Monologue or Dialogue?
If argumentation is restricted to some characteristic forms of discourse, then in which type of discourse is it best exemplified, in monologic discourse, or in dialogue?
(11) vs. (12) — Monologue: Logic or Rhetoric?
(11) Logic
(12) Bene dicendi rhetoric, see Rhetoric
(13) vs. (14) — Dialogue: With or without turn taking?
According to the externalization principle (van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1992, p. 10), dialogical theories either assume that dialogue is the basic form of argumentative activity, or that it is in the form of a dialogue that the argumentative mechanisms of argumentation, can be most clearly seen.
Within this set of dialogical approaches, there are distinctions. Does the dialogue has an exchange structure or not? Does the dialogue admit turns of speech? Do all the participants have equal possibility of taking the floor in the same conditions?
(13) Argumentation, a dialogue without an exchange structure: The Rhetorical Address
The rhetorical address is a special kind of dialogue, with a polyphonic structure; the voices of the others, especially the opponent’s voice, are rincorporated into the discourse of the speaker who has the floor. The audience intervenes only later and indirectly, as a verdict on the case or a decision on the policy.
(15) vs. (16) — A turn-taking dialog: Dialogue logic or natural interaction?
In the case of a dialogue in which there is a possibility of exchange, one of the following two poles will provide the appropriate basis, 1) a logical approach to formal dialogues, or 2) an empirical approach to natural interactions.
(15) Argumentation, a formalized critical dialogue
Since the 1970s the Informal Logic and the Pragma-Dialectic theories have reorientated argumentation studies by giving the priority to the study of argumentation as a kind of dialogue.
Dialectical-critical theories of argumentation reinforce the constraints of dialogue either through a system of rules designed to embody a rational standard, as in Pragma-Dialectic, or through of a system of critical questions, as in Informal Logic. see Norms.
(16) Argumentation, a type of ordinary interaction
Proto-argumentative activity is triggered by a lack of ratification by the addressee. Depending on the reaction of the interaction partners, the conversation disruption may pass quickly, being absorbed into the flow of the ongoing task they are engaged in. Otherwise, the interaction might develop into a fully-fledged argumentative situation. In either cases, the argumentative situation is fundamentally governed by interactional principles.
This view is compatible with the ancient theory of “argumentative questions” (or stasis, or point to adjudicate).
For each of these points, the question is not which to adopt and which to exorcise, but to clearly articulate the contrast between the approaches they define.
2. Other points of departure
The above table develops from the question of language. Other questions might give rise to alternative maps of the field.
2.1 Kind of rationality?
Truth and rationality can be considered:
- As an attribute of a well-thought monological discourse, best exemplified in logic, as an art of thinking;
- As the consensus of the properly defined universal audience, within the prospect of a rhetoric of persuasion;
- As a social production, the result of a well organized critical dialog to reach the best possible true and rational answer in the course of a dialectical process;
- A a progressive construct, through a closer contact with scientific results, thought and method.
In complete opposition to these guidelines, generalized theories of argumentation maintain an agnostic perspective on rationality, and question the very possibility of reaching it through ordinary discourse.
2.2 Form or function?
Is argumentation (first, better) defined by its function or by its form? This question opposes two theoretical families, one focusing on persuasion, and the other focusing on the structural description and formal representation of argumentative episodes. These two starting points themselves give rise to symmetrical questioning: how to deal with functional aspects in the latter case? What are the structural criteria that ensure the descriptive adequacy of the in the former case?
2.3 Argumentativity, a binary or gradual concept?
For extended theories of argumentation, language (Ducrot) or discourse (Grize) are basically argumentative, S. Orientation; Schematization.
In the case of restricted theories of argumentation, however, some discursive genres (deliberative, epideictic, judicial) or, more broadly, certain kinds of discursive sequences are argumentative and opposed to other non-argumentative genres or other types of sequences. These definitions tend to consider that argumentativity is a binary concept: a sequence is or is not argumentative.
In reference to the language exchanged between partners defending contrasting positions, the argumentativity of a situation is not an all or nothing concept; various forms and degrees of argumentativity can be distinguished.
— A given linguistic situation begins to become argumentative when opposition emerges between two lines of speech, quite possibly without reference to each other, as in an argumentative diptych. This is most probably the basic argumentative structure, each partner repeats and restates his position. S. Disagreement. We can thus go beyond the opposition between narrative, descriptive or argumentative sequences. When a description or a narration is developed in support of an answer to an argumentative question, this narration or description should be considered as fully argumentative and evaluated as such.
— Communication is fully argumentative when the difference is problematized as an argumentative question, with the participants taking roles as proponent, opponent, or third party, S. Roles.
2.4 Central objects?
The various approaches to argumentation are characterized by the nature of their internal assumptions and external assumptions. The former correspond to the organization of the concepts postulated in the system, and the latter, to the kinds of objects taken into consideration. Both types of hypotheses are bound.
The extremities of the branches in any of the preceding “decision trees” represent a pole articulating theoretical views with specific “preferred” objects. To satisfy the requirement of descriptive adequacy each theory must combine its central objects with what it posits as peripheral objects. Decisions as to what is to be considered as central and as peripheral (derived or secondary) data, fall within the domain of external assumptions. Such choices are never self-evident and require justification. So, for example, the decision to give priority to dialogue or to take as reference monologal syllogistic discourse, correspond to two distinct external assumptions regarding the structure of the argumentation field, and clearly put to the fore quite different kinds of data.
This does not imply that second level (often annoying) facts and data are excluded, rather that all phenomena cannot be put on the same level; data must be ordered, and prioritized. In practice, the problem is to determine how the results established on the basis of central facts can be expanded to peripheral data.
Some major types of coupling of internal and external assumptions:
— Rhetorical argumentation, and planned monological speech.
— Dialectical argumentation, and conventionalized dialogues.
— Argumentation as orientation, and pairs of statements.
— Argumentation as schematization, and texts, etc.