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Ad — Arguments (Ad Ignorantiam…)

Some argument schemes are designated by Latin labels, S. A/ab —; Ad —; Ex —. This entry lists the labels using the Latin preposition ad. In classical Latin, the preposition ad is constructed with the accusative and introduces a goal complement; the phrase “argument ad hominem” reads “argument addressing the person”.
According to Hamblin, the oldest scheme in this grouping is ad hominem, which appears in the Latin translations of Aristotle; this naming method was popularized by Locke ([1690]) and by Bentham ([1824]), and most of these terms seem to be nineteenth or twentieth century creations (Hamblin 1970, p. 41; p. 161-162).

1. A list of “ad + N” arguments

Latin name of the Argument


• Meaning of the Latin word(s)Latin
(When necessary a word-for-word translation)• (English equivalent(s))
• Reference to the corresponding entry/ies
(reductio) ad absurdum
(also: ab absurdo)
Lat. absurdus, “false, unpleasant, absurd”  — reduction to the absurd
— S. Absurd
ad amicitiam Lat. amicitia, “friendship” — appeal to friendship — S. Emotion
ad antiquitatem Lat. antiquitas, “antiquity, tradition” — appeal to antiquity, to tradition
— S. Authority
ad auditorem
(pl. ad auditores)
Lat. auditor, “hearer, audience” — S. Beliefs of the audience
ad baculum Lat. baculus, “stick” — S. Threat and promises
ad captandum vulgus Lat. captare, “try to seize … by insinuation, by guile”; vulgus “crowd, ordinary people” — playing to the gallery ; playing to the crowd —
S. Rhetorical argumentation; Emotion; Ad populum; Laughter and Seriousness
ad consequentiam Lat. consequentia, “following, consequence” — S. Consequence
ad crumenam Lat. crumena, “purse” — argument to the purse
— S. Emotion; Punishments and Rewards
 (reductio) ad falsum Lat. falsum, “false”  — reduction to a falsehood — S. Absurd
ad fidem Lat. fides, “faith” — S. Faith
ad fulmen Lat. fulmen, “thunderbolt” — argument from thunderbolt
S. Threat — Promises
ad hominem Lat. homo, “man, human being” — S. Ad hominem
ad ignorantiam Lat. ignorantia, “ignorance” — S. Ignorance
ad imaginationem Lat. imaginatio, “picture, vision” — appeal to imagination — S. Subjectivity 
ad impossibile
Lat. impossibile “impossible” — reduction to the impossible — S. Absurd
(deducendo, reductio) ad incommodum Lat. incommodum “unfortunate, disadvantageous” — reduction to the uncomfortable — S. Ad incommodum; Absurd
ad invidiam Lat. invidia, “hate, envy” — appeal to envy — S. Emotion
ad iudicium Lat. iudicium, “sentence, judgment, opinion” — arg. appealing to the judgment ;to common sense S. Matter
ad lapidem Lat. lapis, “stone; (symbol of stupidity, insensibility)” —  arg. by dismissal
S. Dismissal
ad Lazarum Lat. Lazarus, character of the Bible, paragon of the destitute — arg. ad Lazarum — S. Rich and Poor
ad litteram Lat. littera, “letter” — S. Strict Meaning
ad ludicrum Lat. ludicrum, “public game (theater, circus…)” — appeal to the gallery —
S. Emotion; Orator; Ad populum; Laughter and Seriousness
ad metum Lat. metus, “fear, apprehension” — appeal to fear —S. Threat — Promises
ad misericordiam Lat. misericordia, “compassion, pity” — appeal to pity — S. Emotion
ad modum Lat. modus “measure, just measure, moderation” — arg. of gradualism
— S. Proportion
ad naturam Lat. natura, “nature” — appeal to nature ; naturalistic fallacy
— S. Weight of circumstances
ad nauseam Lat. nausea, “nausea, seasickness” — proof by assertion — S. Repetition
ad novitatem Lat. novitas, “novelty, innovation; unexpected thing” — appeal to novelty —
S. Progress
ad numerum Lat. numerus, “number, great number” — arg. from number — S. Authority
ad odium Lat. odium, “hate” — appeal to hatred, to spite — S. Emotion
ad orationem Lat. oratio, “language, comments, speech, discourse” —  S. Matter
ad passionem
(pl. ad passiones)
Lat. passio, “passivity; passion, emotion” ; appeal to passion, to emotion
— S. Pathos ; Emotion
ad personam Lat. persona, “mask; role; person” — abusive ad hominem
— S. Personal Attack; Ad hominem
ad populum Lat. populus “people” — appeal to people, arg. from popularity
— S. Ad populum
ad quietem Lat. quies “rest; political neutrality; calm; peace”, tranquility” —  appeal for calm, conservatism, S. Calm
ad rem Lat. res, “thing, being, reality ; judicial matter, issue”  — arg. addressed to the thing, to the point, dealing with the matter at hand — S. Matter
ad reverentiam Lat. reverentia, “respectful fear; deference” — S. Respect
ad ridiculum Lat. ridiculus, “funny; ridicule” — appeal to ridicule, appeal to mockery —
S. Absurd; Laughter and seriousness
ad socordiam Lat. socordia, “stupidity; indolence” — appeal to weak-mindedness —
S. Subjectivity 
ad superbiam Lat. superbia, “pride” — appeal to pride; arg. of popular corruption
S. EmotionAd populum
ad superstitionem Lat. superstitio, “superstition”— S. Subjectivity 
ad temperantiam Lat. temperantia, “moderation, restraint” — S. Proportion
ad verecundiam Lat. verecundia, “respect, modesty, discretion ; fear of shame” — arg. from modesty; arg. from authorityS. Subjectivity ; Modesty; Authority
ad vertiginem Lat. vertigo, “rotation, dizziness” S. Vertigo

2. Characteristics of the “ad + N” family

2.1 A productive pattern

There are many more “ad +N” arguments than there are “a / ab + N” arguments. Only the “ad +N” construction is still productive; the pattern is popular and mocked (ad bananum argument).

2.2 Origin of the labels

Some of these names have been defined and used by Locke and Bentham, S. Collections (III).

Locke has defined the arguments:

ad hominem                      ad judicium
ad ignorantiam
                   ad verecundiam

Bentham has defined the arguments:

ad amicitiam
ad ignorantiam
ad imaginationem
ad invidiam
ad judicium
ad metum
ad odium
ad quietem
ad socordiam
ad superbiam
ad superstitionem
ad verecundiam

2.3 Semantic subsets of “ad + N” arguments

These arguments refer to very different strategies. Nonetheless, some groupings can be proposed according to their semantic content.

(i) Arguments bound to affects, emotions, often via positive interest (rewards) or negative results (threats):

ad amicitiam
ad captandum vulgus
ad invidiam
ad ludicrum
ad metum
(ad carcerem, ad baculum, ad fulmen, ad crumenam)
ad misericordiam
ad novitatem
ad numerum
ad passionem
ad odium
ad quietem
ad personam
ad populum
ad superbiam
ad verecundiam

(ii) Arguments involving a subjective system of beliefs, not universal, questionable:

ad consequentiam
ad fidem
ad hominem
ad ignorantiam
ad imaginationem
ad incommodum
ad socordiam
ad superstitionem
ad vertiginem

Categories (i) and (ii) list arguments often considered as misleading, insofar as they express the subjectivity of the speaker. In other words, they are related to the ethotic and pathemic components

(iii) Arguments dealing with the substance of the issue (contrasting with the subjective series (i) and (ii))

ad iudicium                      ad rem


1. The fallacy of accident

The fallacy of accident is the first on Aristotle’s list of fallacies independent of discourse, S. Fallacies (II): Aristotle’s foundational list.
The idea is that a valid syllogistic inference develops in the same category domain, for example, the class of animals:

Socrates is a man, man is a mammal, so Socrates is a mammal,

whereas the following fallacious inference develops from an accident:

Socrates is white, white is a color, so Socrates is a color.

The word accident is taken in its philosophical meaning, which contrasts accident with essence. A being is characterized by a set of essential features that determine its place in a scientific classification: its generic features express its genus and its specific difference indicates its species. Unlike “— is a mammal”, which is constantly true of all dogs, the truth of the accidental predicate “— is tired” is circumstantial, it may be true of a dog at a given time but become false as soon as the dog’s condition changes.


The fallacy of accident occurs when an accidental characteristic of a being is mistaken for an essential one. In a definition, the corresponding defect consists in defining a being by a feature which belongs to it only accidentally.
So for example, “— wanders off in the middle of the road” is a relevant definite description, allowing unambiguous reference to a dog, but not a defining feature of « dog”.

All the same, “— is a good time for having a nap” is not a defining feature of “afternoon”, S. Two-term Reasoning.


2. The ad accidens counter-argument

The charge of committing the fallacy of accident is possible only if the accuser can refer to a solid and stabilized categorization, corresponding to a set of essentialist definition, S. Definition (1). In ordinary speech,  the accusation of committing a fallacy of accident is just a counter-argument, which opens a stasis of definition and can itself be defeated.

The ethical value of a profession is evaluated on the basis of an examination of the moral worth of its values and practices. In a classical democratic regime, a politician can be honest or dishonest without ever ceasing to be a politician. Dishonesty is not a necessary condition for becoming a politician; it is an accidental feature; “he is an honest politician” is not an oxymoron, “he is a dishonest politician” is not tautologically true. For those sharing this vision of things and people, characterizing political activity as an intrinsically dishonest activity, is committing the fallacy of accident. The person blamed for committing the fallacy might retort that the argument is not based on any transcendental organization of things, but on an inductive generalization, from “a number of politicians we all know very well”; or on the actual structural condition of our political system.

The argument from the opposite, (or a contrario) argument plays with the essential vs. accidental character of the differences between two categories of beings, “boys can go out at night, so girls should not go out, well, you know, girls are different from boys”. It is refuted by demoting the difference from essential to accidental. The same strategy applies to the distinctions between the defining features of a fact, and its circumstantial, contextual characteristics.


Dissociated from the strict Aristotelian ontology, the “essence vs. accident” opposition corresponds to the distinction between central traits and peripheral traits, and, in everyday life, to the distinction between the important and the incidental.

Ultimately, in the absence of backing by an accepted ontology, the so-called fallacy of accident functions as a refutation arguing from the incidental nature of an element, and finally corresponds to a strategy of minimization of the disputed character.


Lat. abductio, “action of taking”, by an outwardly directed movement (see infra, meaning 2).

1. Abduction as inference from facts to hypothesis

The concept of abduction was introduced in modern philosophy by the philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. According to Peirce, there are two kinds of inferences: deductive inference and abductive inference or abduction. Abduction starts from the observation of a fact “contrary to what we should expect” Peirce ([1958], § 202), that is to say, a fact that does not fit into an available explanatory system. Abduction is a kind of inference by which one proposes a hypothesis accounting for this fact.
This hypothesis is not the product of the application of a “discovery algorithm”, but the fruit of a creative process, “abduction is, after all, nothing but guessing” (Peirce [1958], § 219).

Abduction is not an issue in logic, but rather a scientific method (id., Chap. 6). Scientific work consists in proposing, on the basis of facts, plausible hypotheses “suggested” by these facts. Abduction is the first step in this process.
The practice of abduction is not guided by logical rules but by general principles, such as the principle of exclusion of so-called metaphysical hypotheses, that is to say, hypotheses which would have no experimental consequences, or the principle according to which every fact has an explanation: an abducted hypothesis is interesting “if it seems to make the world reasonable” (id., §202).

Unlike abduction, which starts from facts in search of theory, the Peircian deduction starts from a theory in search of facts; that is, it seeks to identify the crucial experimental consequences of a hypothesis.

Much more than a form of deduction or induction, argumentation should be seen as a form of abduction: because the light is on, “I abduct”, I make the hypothesis, that there is someone in the room; but this hypothesis still needs to be checked, S. Probable, Plausible, True.

Woods redefines abductions as “responses to ignorance-problems. An agent has an ignorance-problem in relation to an epistemic target that cannot be hit by the cognitive resources presently at his command, or within easy and timely reach of it” (Woods, 2009; Gabbay & Woods, 2005). The study of argument as an abductive process has proved especially fruitful in the fields of medicine, science and law (Walton 2004).

2. Abduction as reduction of uncertainty

In its Peircian sense, abduction is a kind of inference by which one arrives at a hypothesis accounting for this fact. Aristotle defines abduction as a kind of dialectical syllogism (Aristotle, PA, II, 25), whose major premise is true, the minor just probable, and, consequently, the conclusion also probable. The conclusion alone, without the minor, is more improbable than the minor. The minor therefore strengthens the relative acceptability of the conclusion. This situation recalls the Ciceronian definition of argumentation, S. Argumentation (I).

For example, if the question is: “can virtue be taught?” we can reason as follows:

A true premise: it is clear that science can be taught.
A doubtful premise: virtue is a science.
Conclusion: virtue can be taught.

Though uncertain, the veracity of the second premise is still less in doubt than the conclusion “virtue can be taught”. This second premise may therefore serve as an argument for the conclusion. We find this montage in speeches such as:

Citizenship can be taught.
Citizenship is essentially a set of social knowledge and practices.
Knowledge is being taught and all practical skills can be improved by teaching. So, citizenship can be taught.

Argument functions “for want of better”. Reduction of uncertainty serves to modify relevantly the epistemic status of a belief. This is a logic not of elimination but of reduction of doubt and uncertainty, S. Default reasoning.

Ab exemplo argument

Lat. exemplum, “example”.

In law, the label ab exemplo refers to an argument that interprets the law according to:

  1. A previous case, S. Precedent.
  2. A traditional interpretation, “the doctrine generally accepted” (Tarello, quoted in Perelman 1979, p. 59).

The argument ab exemplo is therefore distinct from the argument from example.

Ab — Arguments (A Contrario…)

Some argument schemes are designated by Latin labels, S. Ab —; Ad —; Ex . This entry lists the labels using the Latin preposition a / ab.

The same Latin preposition has two forms, a or ab: in general, a is used before a noun beginning with a consonant (a contrario argument), and ab before a noun beginning with a vowel (ab auctoritate argument).

1. The construction

In classical Latin, the a / ab preposition means “separation; away from” and governs the ablative case. Grammatically, ab / a introduces only a circumstantial clause of a verb, indicating the origin. This means that the Latin construction “argumentum ab + N” is to be interpreted as elliptical for “argumentum [ducetur, “drawn”] ab [“from”] N”. Latin texts regularly use expressions of this type, Cicero for example, wrote in the Topics:

cum autem a genere ducetur argumentum (my emphasis) (IX, 39; p. 411);

that is “when, however, an argument is drawn from genus”. Genere is the ablative case of the noun genus; the construction is “argumentum [ducetur] a genere”, “argument [provided by, taken] [from] the genus”. Similarly, the rhetoric Ad Herennius suggests that, in order to amplify the charge, the orator has to look first for an argument drawn from authority:

primus locus ab auctoritate sumitur (my emphasis) (Ad Her., II, 48; p. 147);

that is “the first commonplace [primus locus] is taken [sumitur] from [ab] authority [auctoritate]”. Auctoritate is the ablative case of auctoritas, “authority”. Locus means literally “place”, and is taken here metaphorically as “inferential commonplace” or “argument scheme”, S. Topos, Topic Commonplace.

2. List of the “ab (a) + N” arguments

The set of “ab / a + N” arguments belongs to the original stock of Latin argument labels; its core is drawn from the Ciceronian typology, passed on to the Middle Ages by Boethius, up to modern times S. Collections (2).

In stark contrast to the list of “ad + N” arguments (S. Ad — Arguments), the following list contains no label referring to feelings or subjective beliefs.

First column: Latin name of the argument
Second column:

  • Meaning of the word(s) (based on Gaffiot).
  • (When necessary a word-for-word translation)
  • Reference for the corresponding entry
Latin name of the argument


• Latin term(s) and their English equivalent(s)
• (Global translation)
• Corresponding entry/ies.
ab auctoritate Lat. auctoritas, “authority” — S. Authority; Modesty
a carcere Lat. carcer, “jail” S. Threats — Promises ; Threat; Emotion.
a coherentia Lat. cohærentia, “coherence, consistency” – S. Consistency.
a comparatione Lat. comparatio, “comparison; confrontation”
S. Comparison; A fortiori; Analogy
a completudine Lat. completus, “complete” — S. Completeness
a conjugata Lat. conjugatus “belonging to the same family”
S. Related Words
a contrario (sensu)
(or: ex contrario)
Lat. contrarius “opposite, contrary” — S. Opposites
a consequentibus Lat. consequens “close; what logically follows”
S. Circumstances; Consequences.
a fortiori
a fortiori ratione
Lat. a fortiori ratione, “for a stronger reason”; ratio, “reason”; fortior = fortis + higher degree comparative “stronger” — S. A fortiori
a generali sensu Lat. generalis, “general”; sensus “meaning, point of view” —
S. Generality of the law
a genere Lat. genus, “genus” — Argument from genus
S. Genus; Classification; Definition; a pari
a pari Lat. par, “equal, same” 
— S. a pari
a posteriori Lat. posterus, “which comes after” —S. A priori; A posteriori
a priori Lat. prior, “the first of two, superior” — S. A priori; A posteriori
a repugnantibus Lat. repugnans, from repugnare “contradictory; contrary; incompatible” — S. A repugnantibus; Opposites.
a rubrica Lat. rubrica, “title of the section (law)” — S. Title
a silentio Lat. silentium, “silence” — S. Silence.
a simili Lat. similis, “resembling, similar” — S. Analogya pari
ab absurdo
[or: ad absurdum]
Lat. absurdus, “absurd” — S. Absurd.
ab adjunctis Lat. adjuncta, “attached to” — argumenta ex adjunctis ducta, arg. from circumstances — S. Circumstances.
ab antecedentibus Lat. antecedens, “preceding” — S. Circumstances.
ab consequentibus Lat. consequens, “following” — S. Circumstances; Consequences.
ab auctoritate
ad auctoritatem)
Lat. auctoritas, “authority” — S. Authority.
ab enumeratione
Lat. enumeratio “enumeration”; pars, “part”
arg. from enumeration of parts
S. Composition — Division; Case-by-case; Definition.
ab exemplo Lat. exemplum “example” S. Example; Exemplum; Precedent.
ab inutilitate Lat. inutilitas, “useless, dangerous” — S. Superfluity
ab utili Lat. utilitas, “useful, beneficial” — S. Pragmatic argument


The a / ab arguments constitute the original stock of arguments whose core is taken from Cicero’s typology, S. Collection (2). From Aristotle to Boethius


As opposed to the ad  arguments, we notice that these labels never refer to emotions or subjective beliefs.

The ad  arguments are clearly arguments and not fallacies. In other words, when using the label “ad + N” argument we take the perspective of the proponent, who produces and puts forward the argument, not from the perspective of the opponent whom the argument will impact and who will reject it.


A repugnantibus

A repugnantibus, lat. repugnans “contradictory; resistant, contrary, incompatible”.
Repugnant meaning “disgusting” is also derived from this source, but the argument a repugnantibus is not the “argument of disgust”, S. Emotions.
The meaning of Lat. repugnans in a repugnantibus is closer to “revolting, unacceptable”, the second meaning of Eng. repugnant.

1. In Cicero’s Topica, the a repugnantibus argument is based on logically “contradictory” things (Cicero, Top, XII, 53; p. 420).
In her translation of Boethius, Stump translates a repugnantibus as “from incompatible” (Boethius Top. p. 64), S. Contradiction; Opposites.

This logical a repugnantibus argument is based on contradiction, whereas the ad incommodum argument involves consequences subjectively unacceptable to the speaker, either from a material or a moral point of view, S. Pragmatic argument.

2. Bossuet defines the a repugnantibus argument as a contradiction between act and speech: “your conduct does not suit your speech” ([1677], p. 140), which corresponds to the third type of ad hominem argument, S. Ad hominem.

Indétermination du sens

 Ang. Uncertainty of meaning

1. Le sens dans les langages logiques et dans le langage ordinaire

Les langages logiques, formels et scientifiques se distinguent du langage naturel par leur univocité. À chaque chaîne signifiante (terme ou expression), simple ou complexe, correspond une signification (interprétation) et une seule. De telles chaînes ne connaissent ni le vide de sens (le non-sens), ni l’obscurité, ni le flou (le vague), ni l’ambiguité, ni la multiplicité des sens (ambiguïté), ni les variations de sens dans un discours comme dans domaine.

Dans le langage ordinaire, l’interprétabilité des chaînes signifiantes n’est pas garantie. Une chaîne signifiante peut être :

— Vide de sens, ou ininterprétable (non-sens).
Dans le cas le plus général, il est impossible d’attribuer au segment linguistique un sens quelconque. On ne lui trouve pas de paraphrase satisfaisante  (acceptable dans ce contexte). Le texte est totalement obscur, il pose un défi interprétatif, il est inexploitable par le récepteur.

— Obscure. Il est difficile de formuler la moindre interprétation.
Un texte énigmatique n’est pas un texte obscur, dans la mesure où l’énigme a une clé, qui peut éventuellement être trouvée au terme d’un cheminement interprétatif.
La coexistence dans un même discours d’orientations incompatibles est une cause majeure d’obscurité pragmatique.

— Floue ou vague. Il est possible d’attacher à la même chaîne signifiante  plusieurs interprétations également douteuses et discutables.
On parle de flou et de vague à propos de phénomènes limites qui apparaissent particulièrement à propos de la catégorisation et de la définition.
Le vague du discours peut être également lié aux questions de généralisation et de particularisation.

— Ambiguë. La  chaîne signifiante est ambigüe si on peut lui plusieurs interprétations nettement distinctes et incompatibles. L’interprétation hésite entre deux ou plusieurs sens possibles pour le même segment.

— Instable. Le sens d’une même chaîne peut varier ou s’obscurcir,  dans un même discours, V. Objet de discours.

Globalement, ces cinq caractéristiques — non-sens, obscurité, flou, ambiguïté, instabilité — opposent le langage scientifique, qui est le prototype du langage transparent, au langage naturel qui comporte nécessairement une part d’opacité.
Si l’on définit l’activité de raisonnement à partir du raisonnement logico-scientifique, alors l’incertitude du sens dans le discours ordinaire fait apparaître le langage naturel comme un mauvais milieu particulièrement peu favorable au développement du raisonnement.

2. Exploitation argumentative de l’incertitude sémantique

Le sens d’un discours est le produit d’une activité rhétorique d’expression et d’une activité herméneutique d’interprétation. Le sentiment d’incertitude du sens, peut avoir sa source  dans l’incertitude de l’expression ou dans celle l’interprétation.
Ce sentiment d’indétermination se matérialise par un jugement porté par le récepteur. Comme le jugement de clarté, il peut varier avec les récepteurs.
Dans le cas de discours argumentatifs, le jugement d’incertitude porté sur un discours sert à le réfuter.  Le discours cible est invalidé sur le plan logique et rejeté sur le plan interactionnel, V. Destruction du discours. On lui dénie toute pertinence pour l’échange en cours. Comme tous les jugements, le jugement d’incertitude demande donc à être justifié.
Dans certains genres de discours et d’interaction, le sentiment d’incertitude peut être vu, à juste titre, comme une richesse stimulant l’interprétation. Ils exploitent positivement ce que le discours argumentatif rejette comme fallacieux.

L’interprétation d’un discours tient compte du genre et du type d’échange dans lesquels entrent ce discours, et avant tout de son contexte immédiat, l’échange auquel il apporte une contribution. On peut réfuter une accusation d’indétermination en montrant que l’indétermination est levée par la prise en compte d’un ou plusieurs de ces éléments.

Le dialogue collaboratif joue un rôle essentiel dans la levée de l’indétermination ou de la sous-détermination, lorsque le discours n’atteint pas le niveau de pertinence requis par l’échange.


Political Arguments: Two Collections

1. Parameters of political debate

Political deliberation is a problem-solving activity. The following interrogative framework groups the most general questions that must be answered before deciding whether or not to adopt or reject a measure of general interest

Is this measure legal? Just? Honorable? Timely? Useful? Necessary? Safe? Possible? Easy? Pleasant? What are the foreseeable consequences? (After Nadeau 1958, p. 62).

This framework functions on different modes.
— On the interrogative-deliberative mode, it guides a practical decision process:

If you are considering such a measure, look at whether it is just, necessary, feasi- ble, glorious, profitable, and whether it will have positive consequences.

In this case, the set of questions is used as a heuristic. One can take up a re- sponsible political position on a given issue by examining each point and providing a well-argued answer to each question.

— On the prescriptive-justificatory mode, it helps to develop a global, positive or negative persuasive argumentative script about an issue:

If you want to support (or to attack) such measure, show that it is (or it is not) just, necessary, etc.

— On the analytical-critical mode, it serves to test the completeness of an argumentation

You argue that this measure is just, necessary, glorious; but you say nothing about its consequences and the practical modalities of its realization.

In practice, this simple, robust and effective topic applies to any practical public or private decision.

2. Arguments/fallacies of parliamentary debate:
Bentham’s collection

In The Book of Fallacies [1824], Bentham focuses exclusively on fallacious arguments in parliamentary debates. This collection is strongly oriented towards the refutation of conservative discourse, S. Collection (II). In the same spirit, Hirschman has analyzed The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991).
In politics, sophists are accused of indulging in obstructive or manipulative maneuvers, producing bad arguments in bad faith, rejecting legitimate discussion, and serving dishonest or anti-popular purposes.

Bentham distinguishes four main categories of fallacies: fallacies of authority, of danger; of delay, of confusion.

(i) Fallacies of authority

S. Modesty; Threat; Politeness; Personal Attack

— “The wisdom of our ancestors, or Chinese argument; ad verecundiam.” (p.69)

—“Irrevocable law; ad superstitionem”.

— “Fallacy of vows or promissory oaths; ad superstitionem

“The object of this fallacy is the same as in the preceding; but to the absurdity involved in the notion of tying up the hands of generations yet to come is added, in this case, that which consists in the use sought to be made of supernatural power.” (p. 104)

—“No-precedent argument; ad verecundiam

“The proposition is of a novel and unprecedented complexion: the present is surely the first time that any such thing was ever heard of in this house.” (p. 115)

— “Self-assumed authority; ad ignorantiam; ad verecundiam” (p. 116)

— “Self-trumpeter’s fallacy”

“There are certain men in office who (…) arrogate to themselves a degree of probity, which is to exclude all imputations and all in- quiry.” (p. 120)

— “Laudatory personalities; ad amicitiam

“The object of laudatory personalities is to effect the rejection of a measure on account of the alleged good character of those who oppose it.” (p. 123)

(ii) Fallacies of danger, appealing to fear (ad metum) or hate (ad odium)
to repress discussion

S. Emotion; Threat.

— “Vituperative personalities; ad odium” (p. 128).

Attacking the person: “Imputation of bad design; of bad character; of bad motive; of inconsistency; of suspicious connections; imputation founded on identity of denomination.” (p. 127-128)

— “Hobgoblin argument or: No innovation!; ad metum” (p. 145)

Innovation leads to anarchy.

— “Fallacy of distrust

What’s at the bottom?” (p. 154)

— “Official malefactor’s screen (ad metum)

Attack us, you attack Government.” (p. 158)

— “Accusation-scarer’s device.” (p. 184)

(iii) Fallacies of delay

These fallacies play for time, with the intention “to postpone discussion, with a view of eluding it”. Some are based on stupidity and laziness (Lat. socordia):

— “The quietist, or ‘No complaint’ (ad quietem)

Nobody complains, therefore nobody suffers” (p.190); so, no need to change.

— “False consolation (ad quietem)”

“Look at the people there, and there: think how much better off you are than they are.” (p. 194)

— “Procrastinator’s argument (ad socordiam)”

Wait a little, this is not the time!” (p. 198)

— “Snail’s pace argument (ad socordiam])”:

“One thing at a time! Not too fast! Slow and sure!” (p. 201)

— “Artful diversion (ad verecundiam)”

“Why that? (meaning the measure already proposed) — Why not this? — or this?” (p. 209)

(iv) Fallacies of confusion

“[their] object is to perplex, when discussion can no longer be avoided” (p. 213), S. Personal attack; Ambiguity; Ad populum; for Ad judicium, S. Matter

— “Question-begging appellatives (ad judicium)”

The use of “eulogistic terms” and “dyslogistic or vituperative terms.” (p. 214)

— “Impostor terms (ad judicium)”

“For instance, persecutors in matters of religion have no such word as persecution in their vocabulary; zeal is the word by which they characterize all their actions.” (p. 221)

— “Vague generalities (ad judicium)”

A fallacy “resorted to by those who, in prefer- ence to the most particular and determinate terms and expression (…) employ others more general and indeterminate.” (p. 230)

— “Allegorical idols (ad imaginationem)”

“substituting for men’s official denomination the name of some fictitious entity, to whom (…) the attribute of excellence has been attached. Example: Government, for members of the governing body.” (p. 258)

— “Sweeping classifications (ad judicium)”

“ascribing to an individual (…) any prop- erties of another, only because the object in question is ranked in the class with that other” (p. 265) “Example 1: Kings; Crimes of Kings (…) criminals ought to be punished; kings are criminals, and Louis is a king: therefore Louis ought to be punished)” (p. 266)

— “Sham distinctions (ad judicium)”

“Declare your approbation of the good by its eulogistic name, and thus reserve to yourself the advantage of opposing it without reproach by its dyslogistic name (…) Example 1: Liberty and licen- tiousness of the press” (p. 271)

— “Popular corruption (ad superbiam)”

“The source of corruption is in the minds of the people; so rank and extensively seated is that corruption that no political reform can ever have any effect in removing it: This was an argument brought forward against parliamentary reform.” (p. 279)

— “Anti-rational fallacies (ad verecundiam)” — “When reason is found or supposed to be in opposition to a man’s interest, his study will naturally be to render the faculty itself and whatsoever issues from it an object of hatred and contempt” (p. 295)

— “Paradoxical assertions (ad judicium)”

“When of any measure, practice or principle the utility is too far above dispute to be capable of being impeached by rea- soning, a rhetorician (…) in a sort of fit of desperation (…) he has assailed it with some vehement note of reprobation or strain of invective” (p. 314). “Ex- ample: Good method, a bad thing.” (p. 316)

— “Non causa pro causa (ad judicium)”

“When in a system which has good points in it you have a set of abuses (…) to defend; (…) take the abuse you have to de- fend (…) and to them ascribe the credit of having given birth to the good ef- fects” (p. 328)

— “Partiality-preacher’s argument (ad judicium)

A discussion of the maxim: “From the abuse, argue not against use.” (p. 339)

— “The end justifies the means (ad judicium)” — A discussion of the maxim (p. 341).

— “Opposer-general’s justification (ad invidiam)”

“it is not right for a man to argue against his own opinion. (…) If a member of the House of Commons, and in opposition, a measure which to him seems a proper one is brought on the carpet on the ministerial side, it is not right that he should declare it to be, in his opinion, pernicious, and use his endeavours to have it thought so, and treated as such by the House” (p. 344), and reciprocally.

— “Rejection instead of amendment (ad judicium)”

“this fallacy consists in urging in the character of a bar, or conclusive objection against the proposed measure, some consideration, which, if presented in the character of an amendment, might have more or less claim to notice.” (p. 349)

Bentham does not express the fallacies under any “logical form”, but presents them in the form of statements that are condensed argumentations, sometimes in the form of a slogan. The topoi are getting closer to the discursive clichés.
Bentham condemns these maneuvers as prima facie fallacies, and discusses them further under the corresponding heading.



The verbal aspects of interpersonal relationships are regulated by a set of principles defining linguistic politeness:

Politeness refers to all aspects of the discourse, 1. which are governed by rules, 2. which intervene in the interpersonal relationship, 3. and which have the function of preserving an harmonious relationship (at worst: neutralizing potential conflicts and, at best, ensuring that each participant is as open to the other as possible). (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992, p. 159; 163)

Ordinary conversation is governed by the principle of preference for agreement. The interactionist theory of politeness (Brown and Levinson, 1978) defines the individual by his or her faces and territories. Polite intervention respects rules of positive politeness and rules of negative politeness, both towards oneself, and to- wards the interlocutor. In argumentative situations, this preference for agree- ment is transformed into a preference for disagreement (Bilmes 1991). Differences are maximized, which has consequences for all the components of the system of linguistic politeness. The case of the ad verecundiam argument is a typical illus- tration of this transformation, S. Modesty.

1. Politeness oriented towards the addressee

Negative politeness recommends the avoidance of face-threatening acts whilst positive politeness recommends that positive acts be enacted in relation to the territories and the face of the interlocutor (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992, p. 184).
The argumentative situation reverses these principles. The rules of positive politeness are not applied, whilst those of negative politeness are inverted. For example, the rule “avoid encroachments on the interlocutor’s private territo- ries” (id., p. 184) corresponds to a principle of non-aggression, “do not violate the territory of the other”. In an argumentative situation, there is necessarily a form of aggression and territorial conflict, with encroachments and counter- encroachments being made.

Another general rule of politeness recommends that parties “[refrain] from making disparaging remarks, too sharp criticisms, too radical refutations, too violent reproaches” (ibid.) – to their conversational partner; whereas, in a situation of argumentation, radical refutation is sought rather than avoided and negative challenging of the opponent is a standard strategy. Praise for the interloc- utor turns out to be an attack against the position he defends in the current interaction, S. Counter-argumentation.
The ban on personal attacks is a matter of politeness aimed at protecting the interlocutor, for aspects of his person that are not at stake in the debate.

2. Politeness oriented towards oneself

The principles of defense the speaker’s territory recommend that you “protect your territory as much as you can (resist over-invasive incursions, do not let yourself be dragged through the mud, do not allow your image to be unfairly degraded, respond to criticism, attacks and insults)” (ibid., p. 182-183). In argu- mentative situations, participants vigorously apply these protecting principles. In non-argumentative situations, the speaker territories must be protected, yet not unduly extended and praised, “our societies severely judge self-satisfaction and pro domo advocacy”, except in “exceptional circumstances” (ibid.). These exceptional circumstances are precisely those of argumentative situations, where speakers do not hesitate to praise their persons as well as their territories, that is, their point of views and arguments. The principles of moderation and self-valorization are thus put on hold. In non-argumentative interactions, “if you have to praise yourself, at least let it be in the attenuated mode of the un- derstatement” (id., 184); you can even “slightly damage your own territory, and practice light self-criticism” (id., 154). This principle requires that one be prepared to compromise and concede, all things that the arguing speaker can choose to do or not do, without being impolite.

The conclusion is that argumentative situations locally suspend the application of the rules of politeness in relation to the objects and persons involved in the discussion. This can even be seen as a fundamental characteristic, a defining criteria of such situations. The protagonists use a kind of “anti-system of politeness”, mirroring the system of politeness. Speaking of “a system of impo- liteness” however, would imply that all these interventions are felt to be impolite, which is not the case, notwithstanding the fact that, in such situations, the partners can engage in polemics about the “tone” of their interventions.

The redefinition of the system of politeness applies strictly to the aspects of the person, face and territories, which are engaged in the argumentative conflict. Outside these areas, politeness rules still apply. It is thus possible for an arguer to praise his or her personality and possessions and attack the standing or val- ues of those of his or her opponent in an argumentative interaction where his or her behavior will, independently, be polite or impolite.