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Première séance du séminaire Interactions, Cognitions (06/10/2022)

06/10/2022 à 16:00 - 17:30

La première séance 2022-2023 du séminaire de l’axe Interactions, Cognitions (anciennement InSitu) aura pour intervenante Nadia Dario, post-doctorante CNRS au sein de l’équipe.

Intitulé de l’intervention : Visual Marginalia, self-expressions to tear or keep ?

Visual Marginalia (VM) are students’ generative collateral productions that are largely unstudied in the educational setting. We aim to understand their nature and role in learning and thinking and we argue that they are semiotic mediators that help students to construct personal meanings and affectively integrate their needs in the learning process. With Visual Marginalia, we extend the term Marginalia, simple annotations in book margins, to all visual self-expressions/productions such as para-writings and para-drawings, creative drawings and writings at the margin of books or notebooks, modification of book pictures, titles or texts, squiggling and doodling. Here, we present a theoretical discussion of the topic, a new semiotic methodology that maps VM in real classrooms, and first data to validate a model that reveals unstudied ways that students self-regulate and express their generativity.

La séance est organisée jeudi 6 octobre 2022, à partir de 16h, en mode hybride : à la fois dans les locaux d’ICAR, en salle D4. 179 et via l’outil de visioconférence Zoom.

Inscription auprès de : Heike Baldauf

En savoir plus : références bibliographiques disponibles en pièce jointe


Date :
Heure :
16:00 - 17:30