L’université de Zürich (Suisse) organise un colloque international intitulé
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Landscapes in Language, Society and Cognition – ILANSCO
Un appel à communications a été lancé à cet effet.
Argumentaire partiel (en anglais) : within the scope of ILANSCO, we refer to landscape as a dynamic space perceived as having features making it representative from an ecological, historical, cultural, social and/or other points of view (compare Förster et al., 2012; Tuan, 1975). Consequentially, not only landscapes themselves, but more precisely their conceptualisation, linguistic expression and social meaning are subject to change. For conservationist aims, it is essential to document and to keep track of these multidimensional dynamics.
Submissions to ILANSCO can address but are not limited to the following topics (examples in brackets) :
- Conceptualisation, metaphorisation and framing of landscape (Burenhult & Levinson, 2008; Lakoff, 2010; Stibbe, 2020)
- Meaning of landscapes and/or landscape elements for different speaker communities/social groups (Bromhead, 2017; Burenhult et al., 2017; Purves et al., 2023; Van Putten et al., 2020; Wartmann & Purves, 2018)
- Migration, landscape(s), national and linguistic borders (Dollimore & Jordan, 2021; Bazrafshan et al., 2023)
- Corpus linguistic approaches to landscapes (Purves et al., 2022)
- (Critical approaches to) toponomastics (Berg & Vuolteenaho, 2009; Dahamshe, 2021)
- Landscape narratives, ideologies and nationalism (Amit-Cohen, 2008; Braverman, 2009; Long, 2009; Zakim, 2006)
- Literary study approaches to landscape and sustainability (Berberich, 2016; Mianowski, 2012; Niblett, 2020; Siddall, 2009; Weinstein, 2015; Zapf, 2016)
- Landscape conservation policies and sustainability (Burenhult, 2023)
Date limite d’envoi des résumés de propositions de communication (300 mots maximum, hors titre et bibliographie) : 1er avril 2024, à l’adresse suivante : ilansco@slav.uzh.ch
Contact : ilansco@slav.uzh.ch
En savoir plus : appel complet disponible sur la page Web dédiée