Nos collègues du laboratoire Dynamiques du langage organisent la prochaine séance du séminaire « Diversité linguistique et ses sources ».
Invité : François Pellegrino (DR CNRS, DDL).
Intitulé de l’intervention : Quantitative typology: A few things I’ve learnt through the lens of complexity
In the last decades, numerous quantitative studies have investigated the somewhat abstract and admittedly vague notion of linguistic complexity. In this presentation, I explore how this concept has taken shape in the context of corpus-based linguistic typology. In the first act, I review how numerous studies converged towards the existence of a balance in complexity between morphology and syntax in the world languages. In the second act, I discuss the ongoing endeavor to understand the putative influence of a population’s demography (size and proportion of non-native speakers) on its language system and evolution. As an intermezzo, I argue how such complexity-mediated effects are significant but limited (and vice-versa…) because they still offer a large latitude in terms of linguistic diversity. In the final act, I nevertheless show that linguistic complexity directly influences the way we speak because of its intrication with the notion of information. If time permits, I will conclude with a few words on the epistemological shift observed from the dynamical and systemic approach to complexity towards the ecological notion of linguistic niche.
La séance se déroulera en mode hybride le lundi 3 juin 2024, de 15h à 16h30, dans les locaux de la MSH LSE, en salle Elise Rivet (4e étage du 14 avenue Berthelot – 69007 Lyon) et en visoconférence.
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