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Prochaine séance du  séminaire du groupe EDI « Egalité, Diversité, Inclusion » (25/03/2025)

By 07/02/2025Vie du labo

La prochaine séminaire du groupe Égalite, Diversité, Inclusion (EDI) du laboratoire ICAR aura lieu le mardi 25 mars, de 10h30 à 11h30, en salle D4.179

On accueillera :
– Kristine Lund, ingénieure de recherche CNRS, Laboratoire ICAR & Claire Polo, maitresse de conférence Sciences de l’Education, Laboratoire ISPEF
– pour une intervention sur l’égalité d’accès aux informations concernant la vaccination.
Titre. Covid-19 Vaccine Controversy: Embracing the socio-cognitivo-emotional nature of socio-scientific education for inclusive sustainability
Résumé. The Covid-19 pandemic raised the challenge of building sustainable societies able to overcome sanitary crises ‘leaving no one behind’ (LNOB). The French government, invested in vaccination policy in authoritative top-down ways, but a great wave of vaccine hesitancy disrupted the society and led to strong caricatured pro/anti-vax opposition in the mass media. It is rather the mandatory health pass proving vaccination than people being convinced by genuine argumentation that resulted in getting 79% of the French population fully vaccinated. In this chapter, we argue that unpacking the three-part socio-cognitivo-emotional nature of reasoning about such socio-scientific issues, and developing programs based on such analyses, may help citizens reach critical and constructive argumentation. In particular, making the affective background of diverging claims explicit could help mutual understanding and avoid stigmatization of others. To illustrate our argument, we draw on the deep analysis of 3 widespread utterances in the French media about vaccine hesitancy. We show that, even if they might sound only cognitive, only social or only emotional at first glance, they in fact all rely on these three dimensions. We conclude by discussing how such a perspective can inform science education in an inclusive, sustainable society.
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