Jeudi 14 mars 2019, 16h / ENS de Lyon (site Descartes), salle D4.179
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As part of the MALICE project developed at ICAR laboratory, we have established a partnership with the Fourvière Hospital in Lyon and the team « Parcours Santé Systémique – P2S » (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University), to constitute a series of video recordings of interactions between patients with Alzheimer’s and their interlocutors (doctors, partner – husband or spouse), all having a caregiver role with patients. Thus, the MALICE project proposes an experimental situation: it is to study in the long term some thirty patients in situations of observation and interlocution by varying three dimensions: a cognitive dimension (a sketch to be observed and understood); a socio-participative dimension (with which one attends the sketch) and finally the pathological dimension (the degree of the pathology progress). Following observation and reaction to a sketch, the patient interacts with the psychologists for a debriefing. The details of the interaction highlighted by the audio-visual data are transcribed and allow to make visible the situated production, in time and in context, of the participants’ language practices.
In this first corpus of nine patients, we observe a very large number of repetitions and reformulations by the caregivers: sometimes these repetitions and reformulations replace the patient’s turn at a possible transition point, or they are produced from statements made during a previous turn. Then, repetitions and reformulations seem to be characteristic of this type of interaction. These realizations are organized in different formats; and fulfill different functions.
These linguistic phenomena, traditionally categorized in interactional linguistics as reparation sequences, refer to a fundamental aspect of the inter-comprehension management in interaction (Mondada & Pekarek-Doelher, 2000). Indeed, in the context of exchanges with Alzheimer patients, our first results show that the repetitions and reformulations of caregivers are oriented towards the establishment of mutual understanding, but that it is also possible to explore the limitations of the language repertoires of patients (evaluative dimension). At the same time, language re-education (re-educative dimension), and more broadly a « discursive reconstruction » of the world (Guilhaumou, 2004), would be involved.